Sunday, September 20, 2015


My sweet niece Amber, mother to four beautiful children, took her first solo vacation last week with her best friend. They flew in to Atlanta to her friend's mother's house. Then, on Friday night, Vinny and I made the two hour drive to Stone Mountain, GA where we met up with them and joined them all at the Yellow Daisy Festival. If you have never been to this festival and enjoy arts and crafts and jewelry, then go! It is amazing! It was so special seeing Amber after 8 years! We have vowed to make it a yearly event.

A jewelry lady asked Vinny if they could take a photo of her wearing one of their necklases. She said yes.

Tasting hot chocolate.

Honey tasting.

Beautiful new friends.

Stone Mountain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Looks like everyone did some shopping!